I dont know if the events are coming back, where you can earn platinum medals and power bottles but Im really not impressed with this login schedule, we get enough decorations through zoo gach and other random stuff so to remove our 3x power bottle does not make me happy. Especially since after the event youll only get two plays versus the 5 we get now and the boss animals on quest take both of them for one fight.
The platinum medal pricing is also kind of dumb now because theyre saying that one platinum medal = $2.99 which would be the equivalent to 3 power bottles where previously in the old system it was FIVE power bottles per one platinum medal, so what about all those people who wasted their power bottles when the value has drastically changed now?
Your item costs are too expensive, .99c per power bottle is too much, and you should at least be giving is four plays that continually recharge instead of just two.
I still play the game but Im not as happy with it as I could be, I think its scaled in a sense that those who pay tend to win more, not talking games, avatars and other special things that pop up. Eg; boss avatars, special characters, etc.
So thats my story with zookeeper and Im sticking to it.